Medical Dermatology
Whether you’re scheduling a skin cancer screening, seeking a personalized treatment plan for acne or rosacea, or looking for long-term solutions for common pediatric skin conditions, Seitz Dermatology has the tools, the knowledge and the proven track record to achieve the results you want.

From yearly mole checks to skin cancer diagnosis and treatment, we have your skin’s health covered every step of the way.

Discomfort ends today! Our trained, board-certified dermatologists in Cheyenne, WY, and Wellington, CO, stay up to date on the most effective methods for successfully treating a wide range of skin conditions.

Smooth, scar-free skin: Yes, it’s possible! Our professional dermatologists are true experts in the techniques that smooth and remove scarring.

Many people think a full-body skin exam is just for taking a closer look at moles, birthmarks, and freckles for signs of melanoma… but skin exams at our Cheyenne or Wellington clinic can actually tell us so much more! From seasonal scaly patches, to scratchy spots that just won’t go away, annual skin exams can help bring to light conditions that may have otherwise gone unnoticed—including allergies, eczema, and even dandruff. We’ll create a customized product routine for you while you’re here, and schedule regular check-ins afterward to ensure our plans are doing the trick.

Seitz Dermatology welcomes patients of all ages—some as young as just a few weeks old! Every age comes with its own unique skin concerns, from babies with cradle cap, to teens battling acne… and let’s not forget eczema, which can start in infancy and last all the way to adulthood.

Available at our Cheyenne clinic, Mohs surgery is a unique method of skin cancer removal surgery that is best for low-tissue areas like eyelids, ears, and hands. During the procedure, thin layers of skin are progressively removed and examined under a microscope until all cancerous cells have been removed.
Perfect your skin. Protect your health.
The sooner we see you in Cheyenne or Wellington, the faster you’ll see results!