Signs of aging: How to know when to see a pro

Many patients come to us because they “just don’t feel like themselves anymore” when they look in the mirror. Instead of seeing the reflection they’ve admired for years, all they can see are new bald spots, deepening wrinkles, or darkening age spots where there weren’t any before.

If you’ve been struggling with visible signs of aging (hair loss, age spots, deep wrinkles) for months or even years, we want to help you feel completely renewed and more like yourself again.

It’s time to come and see us about signs of aging if:

  • You have deep, “set in” wrinkles on your forehead or around your mouth
  • Your skin is losing its elasticity/firmness and looks/feels much less “plump”
  • You’ve noticed an increase in hair loss (for example, a wider part or larger bald spots)


Let’s restore your youthful glow! 

We’re here to help—and the sooner we see you, the sooner you’ll see results.
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chedule your appointment with Seitz Dermatology today!